
Projects and products


The use of 6-PPD in tyres and the dispersion of its degradation product 6-PPDQ in the environment.


Report (in Dutch): Beoordelingsmethode lozingen restwater van de glastuinbouw op RWZI’s

Translated title: Method for the evaluation of discharges of residual water from greenhouses  to waste water treatment plants.

Commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement, The Netherlands


Accounting for bioavailability of aluminum in Dutch surface waters;towards environmental quality standards for ecotoxicological effects.

Report (in English) that serves as input for a policy discussion and decision making.

Commissioned by: RIVM, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment


Critical emission limit values for building materials: technical background, interpretation and reconstruction. A contribution to the knowledge base for environmental standards of building material standards

Report (in English): Commissioned by: RIVM, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment.


Scientific advice on fate of plant protection product Teshuba; commissioned by Ctgb


Polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the electronics and energy industry 

Report (in English) that serves as input for the Annex XV proposal for the restriction of PFAS

Commissioned by: RIVM, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment.

Main contractor: DHV Royal Haskoning

Subcontractor: De Milieutafel


Fate of recycled tyre granulate used on artifical turf

Verschoor, A., van Gelderen, A., Hofstra, U. (2021) Environmental Sciences Europe, volume 33;27

Paper (open access):

Commissioned by: RecyBEM


Various advisory work related to environmental issues of tyre wear and tyre recycling

commissioned by RecyBEM.


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