zijn gemaakt als auteur of co-auteur bij RIVM of Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen.
Klik op het handje om de publicatie te bekijken.
Are We Speaking the Same Language? Recommendations for a Definition and Categorization Framework for Plastic Debris (2019)
Risks of Plastic Debris: Unravelling Fact, Opinion, Perception, and Belief (2019)
Ingestion and chronic effects of car tire tread particles on freshwater benthic macro-invertebrates (2018)
Potential measures against microplastics in water (2017)
Assessment document of land-based inputs of microplastics in the marine environment (2017)
Emission of microplastics and potential mitigation measures (2016)
Towards a definition of microplastics (2015)
Inventarisatie en prioritering van bronnen en emissies van microplastics (2014)
Quick scan and prioritization of microplastic sources and emissions (2014)
Evaluating environmental risk assessment models for nanomaterials according to requirements along the product innovation Stage-Gate process
Systematic selection of a dose metric for metal-based nanoparticles (2019)
Verkenning milieueffecten rubbergranulaat bij kunstgrasvelden
Evaluation of health risks of playing sports on synthetic turf pitches with rubber granulate. Scientific background document (2017)
Release of zinc from artificial turf (soccer fields) in The Netherlands (2008)
Risk assessment of leaching of substances from synthetic polymeric matrices (2009)
Leaching of zinc from rubber infill on artificial turf (football pitches) (2007)
Bouwstoffen en grond
Afspoeling van bouwmetalen: Risicobeoordeling van emissies van koper, lood en zink (2009)
Uitloging van grond. Een modelmatige verkenning (2009)
Revision of the Dutch Building materials Decree: Alternative emission limit values for inorganic components in granular building materials (2008)
A tiered approach to assess risk due to contaminant migration in groundwater (2007)
Kritische emissiewaarden voor bouwstoffen. Milieuhygienische onderbouwing en consequenties voor bouwmaterialen (2006)
Voortgangsrapportage Evaluatie SaneringsUrgentieSystematiek; Knelpuntenanalyse en verkenning oplossingsrichtingen (2003)
Biobeschikbaarheid van metalen
Refinement and cross‐validation of nickel bioavailability in PNEC‐Pro, a regulatory tool for site‐specific risk assessment of metals in surface water (2017)
Update of ecological risk limits of nickel in soil (2015)
Visiedocument gebruik van biobeschikbaarheid in bodembeoordeling : Mogelijkheden voor metalen in bodem en waterbodem (2015)
The power of biotic ligand models : site-specific impact of metals on aquatic communities (Proefschrift 2013)
Multimetal accumulation in crustaceans in surface water related to body size and water chemistry (2012)
Simplification of biotic ligand models of Cu, Ni, and Zn by 1-, 2-, and 3-parameter transfer functions (2012)
Spatial and temporal variation of watertype-specific no-effect concentrations and risks of Cu, Ni, and Zn (2011)
Ecologische risico’s van koper en zink in het oppervlaktewater (2011)
Biotic Ligand Models: availability, performance and applicability for water quality assessment (2010)
Environmental Risk Assessment for Veterinary Medicinal Products Part 3. Validation of environmental exposure models (2003)
Environmental Risk Assessment for Veterinary Medicinal Products Part 5. A guide to risk assessment of veterinary medicinal products used in animal husbandry (2003)
Tussenevaluatie van de nota 'Gezonde Groei, Duurzame Oogst' : Deelproject Milieu (2019)
The new decision tree for the evaluation of pesticide leaching from soils (2004)
Monitoring data in pesticide registration (2003)
Evaluation of pesticide leaching in lysimeter and field studies. Parent substances (2001)
Pesticides in groundwater: occurrence and ecological impacts (1999)
Effects of Dutch livestock production on human health and the environment
Verspreiding van GenX-stoffen in het milieu - Metingen in Nederland 2013-2018 (2019)
The Benthic Ecosystem Quality Index 2 for the Multi-INDEX Assessment of Marine Benthos Quality (2015)
Benthic Ecosystem Quality Index 2: : calibration and Validation of the BEQI-2 WFD Metric for Marine Benthos in Coastal Waters type NEA1 (2012)
Selected Integrated Testing Strategies (ITS) for the risk assessment of chemicals (2007)
Emissions and Distribution of Hexachlorocyclohexanes in the Rhine Basin Area in the 1980s and Prognoses for 1990-2020 (1991)
Biologische reiniging van grond vervuild met pentachloorfenol volgens de landfarming - methode : voortgangsrapportage eerste onderzoeksjaar (1988)
Last update: 26 June 2023
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